I live with dementia

Brand Design Dementie.nl

About 280.000 people in The Netherlands suffer from dementia, with an increase of 5 every hour. Although it is a very serious disease, life does not stop with the diagnosis dementia. Through the platform ‘I live with dementia’ we offer tips and information to patients on how to live a good and independent life with dementia.

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Reason. Talk with them

In the past years Alzheimer Nederland developed several good initiatives for people who are involved with dementia to a greater or lesser extent. However, these solutions were often focused on people around the patients and not on the patients themselves. More often than not they weren’t part of the conversation. For that, we had to come up with a solution. A solution that enables patients to retrieve the most important information themselves, even if that isn’t so simple for them anymore.

Big idea. Easy interaction patterns

Our starting point became a platform for people with dementia that was actually developed in cooperation with people who suffer from dementia. Together with this group and the experts of Alzheimer Nederland, we looked at the best way to provide patients with information during extensive design sprints. We also searched for easy and recognizable interaction patterns to navigate through the content.

Outcome. Information for every phase

The final solution is an easy to navigate platform where people in different phases of dementia can find their way. From people who are still mostly independent and want more information, to the group that is that capable anymore but can hear the most important information with just one click.

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