Must-see stories | curated by topic-leaders | sent to inboxes around the world...
Let Marple make you interesting
- Marple curates the best content on your subject.
- In branded newsletters we engage readers with must-see articles, videos and podcasts.
- Letting you connect with your contacts on a monthly basis.
- Keeping you top of mind and building loyal followers and leads.
- You choose the topic, we'll do the rest.
Only the interesting!
1. Must-see stories
Together we choose your Marple subject and the possible sub-categories, content angles or themes. We then determine a content calendar, publication frequency and way-of-working.
2. Curated by topic-leaders
Marple mails are custom made with handpicked content from credible online sources, presented with original short-copy. Curation is done by a topic-leader selected by Marple or by someone of your choosing.
3. To inboxes around the world
Marple newsletters have a custom design matching your visual identity. All the featured intro texts link to the full story on their original source. Marple provides you with a complete package (copy, images and code) that your mail provider sends to your database.
Let’s make you interesting!
Call Jurriaan - Our Marple Expert - +31657450845 or shoot him an e-mail.